The display is finally up and the booth is ready. Seeing all of the massive display gardens really makes me wish I would have dropped the tens of thousands of dollars that something like that costs to build (for 3 days!). Maybe next year.
My location isn't the best - I'm near the back next to a silly sun hat company with their tower of sun hats totally blocking the view of my booth, and my neighbors across the isle are a vinyl window company and a skin cream company that claims their cream will end acne, eczema, sunburn, etc, etc. *ugh*. Why couldn't I be next to Pistils Nursery or somewhere with a good view? Okay. End rant.
I got to walk around and check out the other booths today, and there are some really lovely displays. It's amazing what some can do with a 10'x10' square. The big, slick designers are there with their big, slick design samples and it's exciting to be in the same arena as them. As always, with a unique business name, and hot pink logo colors, I feel like I am a bit different than other landscaping companies and my display is quite different than most others too. Hopefully that will be to my advantage. I know my current and past clients think so. I hope I can woo some new ones too. Portland Spaces, the local design magazine that I absolutely love (forget Dwell!) has a great display. They built a 'living room' using a lot of the same ideas and materials as I did (plywood, recycled doors and windows, patchwork patterns), and they are right around the corner from me, so I'm happy about that.
Okay, can you tell I'm nervous and over-thinking this whole thing?
See you this weekend!