It's around this time that I almost have myself convinced that the sun is never going to shine again and it will rain in Portland 362 days a year. I just got back from Los Angeles and Palm Springs with a fantastic stop at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena. Just the feel of the sun on my skin was worth the cost of the airfare!
Another reason why I am longing for summer is this book: Sharp Gardening
But for now, we only have glimpses of Spring in the crocus flowers and plum tree blossoms. Many gardener's favorite season is Spring, but mine is summer. I do love the cherry blossoms, but my heart truly aches for big bold leaves of tropical plants and hot colors of summer.
My friend Tracy sent me this Spring-inspired photo today which might be the only time I have ever enjoyed pastel colors. (Except Superwonderful Pink, of course)

(photo by Tim Walker)