Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superwonderful's First Trade Show

The application for exhibiting at the show sat on my desk for months. The price tag for exhibiting wasn't getting any cheaper and my bank account wasn't getting any bigger, but I took the plunge and paid for a little booth at the Yard, Garden & Patio show.

I am planning the booth design now and need to get cracking on building the 10'x10' space. I won't be building one of the huge display gardens, but I want to make my booth as lovely as possible and I'm hoping to have a few specimen plants on display as well as photos and design samples. I'll finally get to feel what it's like to move into a convention center for 3 days and self promote. Ha! Please come to the show, drink some wine by local vineyards and stop by and keep me company. Dates are Feb. 27 - March 1st.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Wish we could stop by and visit your display. J